Learn English – have/has + been + 3rd verb form


I know this sentence:

your message has been sent

the subject is no known.

I know this sentence:

you have been registered.

the subject is no known.

but what is this:

I have been really worried these past few days ?

here the subject is known , how this is good grammer? why the author not say : "I was worried" ?
sorry my english is bad

Best Answer

The first two are examples of present perfect passive. The verbs are respectively "has been sent" and "have been registered". We do not know who did it, that is why we use the passive. Sent and registered are the past participles of the verbs send and register.

The third sentence is an example of present perfect active, where the verb is "have been" (worried is an adjective). You can put it in any tense you want, depending on the context, for example "I was worried about you but now I am fine." or "I have never been more worried in my life."

If you expand the second example further, you will see that worried can not be the verb in this sentence: "I have never been (quite) as worried about you as in these past few hours."