Learn English – Have you joined *yet*


I saw an ad regarding Stack Overflow Careers on meh, Stack Overflow. The sentence

Have you joined yet?

evoked a thought in my brain that it isn't sounding good. But that may be because I ain't a native English speaker.

What is it trying to convey?

Have you joined?


Haven't you joined still?

Or something basic which I'm missing. Why is yet used here? If but is used instead of yet, I'm pretty sure that it will be grammatically wrong.

So, what is yet doin' up there?

Best Answer

Yet is there to give joining a sense of inevitability and excitement. "Have you joined?" would allow and answer like, "No, because X, y and z." It would let people think think of reasons to not join.

Have you joined yet" suggests an answer like "No, I am late" or perhaps "No - I'll do that right now."