Learn English – “Having a holiday” vs “Spending a holiday”


In my book I found a sentence:

I was having a holiday by seaside last summer when I ran into captain Robinson.

I think there are two errors in this sentence. The first one is that there should be spending instead of having, and the second one is there should be the seaside.
Correct me if I am wrong?
I am not sure about if having is incorrect here.

Best Answer

Spending a holiday = having a holiday

Both mean the same that you are enjoying (not working) somewhere and that day is a holiday.

From Jakarta Post

Nusa Dua tourist enclave boasts some of the island’s most exclusive hotels, restaurants and shopping centers. All are set alongside nearly 5 kilometers of well-preserved white sandy beach. Spending a holiday with the family and golf buddies, therefore, is not an impossible feat to accomplish.

And, if someone is on holiday, they are having a holiday.

About the article, I'll go with you! And so do many news articles

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