Learn English – “He had already left the house yesterday.” Is this correct


We cannot use the present perfect with an expression of time, like yesterday, 2 years ago.
Yeah, I(non-native speaker) know that. But how about the past perfect?

a. We visited him yesterday but he had already left the house. (OK)
b. He had already left the house yesterday. (???)

I think 'a' is ok, but how about 'b'? Is 'b' correct? Can we use the past perfect with yesterday like 'b'?

Best Answer

Yes you can do this. The past perfect is not like the present perfect, requiring present relevance - or, rather, it can be like the present perfect in the past, but it can also be used for a simple past-relative-to-another-point-in-the-past, with no requirement for continuing relevance.

I can actually find two possible meanings for "he had already left the house yesterday". The one I find most likely (in the absence of any context) is

At some point yesterday, earlier than the time that I am thinking about, he left the house.

But also possible is:

There was a time yesterday that I am thinking about, and he left the house before that.

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