Learn English – He is believed to was responsible


I would like to turn the following sentence into passive voice.

Most people think he was responsible for the problems.

What I infer from the sentence is that people still think so and the problems were experienced in the past.

First of all, I'd like ask if the first sentence is grammatically correct?

1.He is believed to was responsible for the problems.


2.He was believed to have been responsible for the problems.

3.He was believed to be responsible for the problems.

( can I stress the past tense "was" in the original tense by saying " he was believed to…" , if they make a sense )


Should I have to stick to present perfect or bare infinitive as follows but in this case I doubt they may not convey that problems were in the past.

4.He is believed to has been responsible for the problems.

5.He is believed to be responsible for the problems.

Could you compare these 5 sentences above in terms of meaning they convey please?

Best Answer

The complement of believed in the usage in your question is either

--an infinitive-phrase with to at its head and the verb-to-be (to be, to have been) and its predicate complement:

He is believed to be responsible.

He is believed to have been responsible.


--the predicate complement with the verb-to-be omitted:

He is believed responsible.