Learn English – he wore horn rims with clear lenses just to look more WASP-y – what does WASPy mean


From the movie The Wolf of Wall Street:

And he did quit his job. Which I thought was a little weird. I mean, I just met this fucking guy. Don't fucking tell Susan. It's none of her business. There were other things about him, too. Like his phosphorescent white teeth. The fact that he wore horn rims with clear lenses just to look more WASP-y. And then, there were these rumors.

I don't understand what that means.

Best Answer

WASP is an American English acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Consistent with the context, it is usually a derogatory term. It usually has connotations of "born into the ruling class."

The fact that about half of Americans are white Protestants with at least some English ancestry does not seem to interfere with this stereotype. Perhaps it is because there are also pejorative terms for poor whites, as well.