Learn English – Help me understand a joke – “Watch out for that first step. It’s a doozy!”


Source: Computer Networking First-Step by Wendell Odom (2004)


Often, learning something new can be a chore, particularly with computer technology. In fact, because you've obviously been searching for a book long enough to at least have opened up this one, you've probably looked at a few other books as well. There's no problem finding networking books. There are tons of them but almost all of them are geared toward people who want to be networking geeks, and the books frequently get deep and technical in a hurry. They're like the old joke where one guy walks through a door with an unseen long drop to the ground below, and his buddy shouts out, "Watch out for that first step. It's a doozy!"

Could you please explain that joke to me?

Best Answer

The point of the joke is that the warning comes too late - the first person has already fallen before his friend tells him to watch out ("it's a doozy" simply means "it's a big one" or "it's a deep one"). There are several variations on the joke, such as when someone bangs their head on a low door frame and the person behind them says "watch your head" after the fact.

In the context of the quote, it simply means that many people will buy a book on networking without first making sure it's at a level they understand - they've taken a step without realizing how deep it really is.

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