Learn English – Help me understand “Go down a treat”


If for example I am describing how good was my last dinner to someone, can I say:

  • it was delicious it went down a treat!

Or simply:

  • it was a treat

What is the difference if there is any?
Thank you

Best Answer

If something

goes down a treat (usually BrE)

it means an event or occassion was very enjoyable and the enjoyability is a metaphoric comparison to the food use of


A food "treat" is something which is enjoyed, sometimes as a reward e.g. "doggy treats", may or may not be expected, and is usually considered as something "special". Saying

It was a treat.

May or may not have the same general meaning as your original phrase.

For the kids, it was a real treat to meet Santa Claus, but some of them were scared.

in this case "treat" has the meaning of "special", but it may not "have gone down a treat".