Learn English – Help me understand the word “Doggo” in this image


I study English, I like it very much. Help to figure out. "Doggo" it is not clear in the context. Please explain how a native English speaker understand this phrase. Maybe we can replace the word "Doggo" in other words "Pause".

Text of a conversation between "Me" and "Doggo"

Best Answer

It's internet slang for dog:

Doggo is an internet slang term for dog, which is often associated with the word pupper in various ironic meme communities online.
(Know Your Meme)

I guess you can think of it as a humorous way to say dog. I've never heard anyone say this in person, but I imagine that there is a very small number that do (like LOL) in casual conversations.

However, appending the suffix -o to form derivatives is not uncommon:


  1. a suffix occurring as the final element in informal shortenings of nouns (ammo; combo; condo; limo; promo); -o, also forms nouns, usually derogatory, for persons or things exemplifying or associated with that specified by the base noun or adjective (cheapo; pinko; sicko; weirdo; wino).
  2. a suffix occurring in colloquial noun or adjective derivatives, usually grammatically isolated, as in address:
    cheerio; kiddo; neato; righto.


Returning to the dialogue:

Me: Sit down!
Dog: No you sit down
Me: ok

Dog/doggo refers to the dog in the picture. He seems quite large and intimidating. If he ordered me to sit, of course I would listen!

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