Learn English – How are words ending “-ology”, “-onothe”, “-ography” pronounced


My English teacher often corrects me on the correct pronunciation of these suffixes. She says these should be pronounced with the stress on the first O.

I have heard many educated folks pronounce it with no stress at all.

I have also heard that the vowel O should be pronounced as "au" rather than "o".

What is the actual pronunciation of these suffixes, both in British and American English?

Best Answer

In both American and British English, there is an emphasis on the first O, but not too much. For example, "astronomy" is pronounced:

  • "as" like "us" (or sometimes "ass" from "class")
  • "tr" from "trim"
  • "on" from "marathon"
  • "om" like "um"
  • "y" like "ee" from "tree", but shorter

However, in Indian English, I have heard many people pronouncing it astrOHnomy, basically giving the O in "astro" the same emphasis as the O in "micro" and tacking on the "nomy" (rhymes with "mommy"). This is completely different from the pronunciation above, and is wrong in American/British English.

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