Learn English – How do “scrawl” and “scribble” differ


Definition of scrawl by Dictionary.com:

to write awkwardly, carelessly, or illegibly.

Definition of scribble by Dictionary.com:

to write or draw in a hasty or careless way.

The definition of scribble is actually exactly the same as the earliest definition of this question. You use "scribble" to describe something that is written awkwardly, carelessly or illegibly. Likewise, the word scrawl also shares the meaning of writing hastily or carelessly.

So what is the difference between them? I can't differentiate them by dictionary definitions or Google search.

EDIT: Definition of scrawl by Merriam-Webster:

: to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly scrawled his name

Best Answer

scrawl is usually related to writing (or what is supposed to be writing), while scribble can be any kind of markings.

See scribble:

  1. verb
    To scribble means to make meaningless marks or rough drawings using a pencil or pen.
    When Caroline was five she scribbled on a wall.

If you check the definitions of scrawl, they all refer to writing in some way.

Also, adults tend to scrawl (it is usually intentional), while children tend to scribble (they are careless or haven't learned how to write or draw yet).

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