Learn English – How does one use a rostrum


…or is there a word or expression more common than 'rostrum'?

When you want to give a speech, and there's this in the room:

image of a wood rostrum

…where do you stand? At, on, behind a rostrum?

Ngram was quite unhelpful, showing only trace amounts of any of the variants.

Best Answer

Dictionary.com says that a rostrum is the platform and not the strange item of furniture, so you would stand 'on' the rostrum. The strange item of furniture is a lectern. You certainly don't stand 'on' it. According to Ngrams, standing 'at' or 'behind' a/the lectern are both possible. If there is a difference, standing 'at' a lectern gives you a little bit of freedom of movement - you could briefly stand to the side of it while still being 'at' it.

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