Learn English – How is called the color which is the combination of yellow and orange in English


In my language (spanish) this color is called amarillo huevo ("egg yellow") which is a clear contrast to amarillo patito ("little duck yellow"). How is called the color which is the combination of yellow and orange in English?

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Best Answer

A survey found these colour names: for "bright" colours: Your colour is near the left side, at the yellow and orange border.

chart of the dominant color names for the fully saturated faces of the RGB cube

So, in general terms your colour is a "Yellow" or a "Yellow-orange".

There are several secondary colour names that name a similar colour:

Saffron (named after the spice)
Ochre (named after a type of clay)
Amber (Fossilied pine resin)
Mustard (a spice)

And some proprietary names: your colour is similar to Sunglow by Crayola. (found by an online tool

You will generate minimum confusion if you just say "yellow-orange" or "yellowish orange", but any of the other secondary colour names could also be used.

Colour words in English fall into roughly three groups. Main colours like "Red", "Black", "Brown": These are words that mean the colour, and other uses are secondary to the colour meaning. "Orange" is probably in this group, even though it was named after the fruit. These words can be combined to indicate a combination for example "Green-yellow"

Then there are words like "Teal", "Olive", which name a colour after an object.

Finally there are specific proprietary names used by painters and other colour workers. These names don't have much use outside this realm. For example, dulux use "Rising sap" for a green-yellow paint.

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