Learn English – How is it called in English a group of gipsy families


There is a wonderful movie called “Şatra”, original title: "Tabor ukhodit v nebo".

In my language the word ”şatră”, pronounced (ʃatrə) defines a group of gipsy families and is attributed only to gipsies.

I know that in English I can use the word clan or pride to define a group of interrelated families but I wonder if there is a specific word attributed only to gipsies like in my language.

Best Answer

The word you are searching for good sir is the word Romani

In terms of the application of the word to describe a family or group you could correctly use the designation "Romani people/family/group" as it distinctly refers to the "Gypsy" people that inhabit a wide variety of countries.

As per my knowledge and research there is no word that is similar to "şatră" specifically describing a family unit in the gypsy culture.

This is the most i can do for you, I looked up the Romany language and I'll list out the words Romani/Gypsy and family for your convenience.

  • Familia - Family (Commonly used by French-Romanian Romani)
  • Romani - Gypsy/Romany

Hope it helps

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