Learn English – How is ‘rest’ a verb or noun in the following sentences


Rest as a noun:

The boulder came to rest just behind the house after rolling down
the mountain.

Now that we're all in agreement, we can put that issue to rest.

She was laid to rest in the village cemetery.

Rest as a verb:

We need to rest the horses before we ride any further.

The blame seems to rest with your father.

I thought 'rest' in all of the sentences were verbs? If so how can I tell if it is a verb or noun, especially with the first example: The boulder came to rest just behind the house after rolling down the mountain. Wouldn't 'rest' be a verb in this case as it is describing the action of the boulder?

Source: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rest#English

Best Answer

1) The boulder came to rest=the boulder stopped moving

2) To put an issue to rest=to stop discussing the issue, to "put it aside", to make it stop being a problem where the issue is seen to be moving

3) To lay someone to rest= to bury a person's body in a cemetery.

Those are all verbs, not nouns. 1) come to (s) rest means to no longer move.

1) means X will no longer be moving.

2) means to put something out of sight, to make it stop being a problem, to have it stop.

3) is an euphemism where death is seen as place where there is no more movement AND a situation where, if you are tired, you can rest. It's a double meaning. compare: I laid the sick dog on the bed so he could rest. There is no double meaning there. It has the meaning of 5) below.

4) "to rest the horses" means to stop them moving so they can recover their energy because they are tired.

5) "the blames rests with x" means the blame can move no further to another person because it stops at your father.

In fact, all these uses relate to stopping some kind of movement. And the trick is that in the last case, it means stopping movement and recovering energy: He rested on the bed for two hours.

Now that you have the single meaning (stopping movement) and the second meaning (stopping movement and recovering energy to be able to move once again), you can see which meaning is intended.

{EDIT to original answer] 6) Come to rest is a V to V structure: come to rest, come to see, come to understand, etc. Those are all verbs. Therefore, so is rest in this case.

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