Learn English – How many passive tenses are there in English


I know there are 16 active tenses in English. What about passive tenses?

Also I don't know what the difference is between tenses and voices and which of them I must use.

I mean, this is table:
enter image description here

Best Answer

I think it is better to say that English has two tense systems: an inflectional system contrasting preterite and present, and an independent analytic tense system contrasting perfect and non-perfect, where non-perfect is not a tense but the absence of perfect tense. The perfect tense can combine with preterite and present tense but can also occur in clauses without inflectional tense.

Preterite and perfect are both instances of the more general tense 'past'. Preterite is the primary (inflectional) past tense, while perfect is the secondary (analytic) past tense.

Since the perfect is a past tense, you could say that English thus has only two tenses, present and preterite.

Voice and aspect have nothing to do with tense, and of course English has no future tense, despite what you may have read or been told.