Learn English – How popular is the Passive voice of Past Continuous


Can you give an account on how often Passive voice of Past Continuous used nowadays.

The room was being cleaned when I arrived.

Their performance was being recorded.

The son was being looked for by his mother.

Best Answer

Generally the choice of passive or active voice and verb tense are not connected to each other. We use passive voice when the actor is not known or not important. Or when we want to emphasize the actor by setting it at the end of the sentence, as in Snailboat's example in comments.

We use past continuous tense when the action is in the past and continued before or after some point of reference in time. Passive voice and past continuous tense can be used together whenever both conditions apply. They are not considered obsolete or archaic in any way.

Some writing teachers recommend avoiding passive voice, but they don't do that because the passive voice is uncommon in English. They recommend being careful about using the passive voice because English speakers find it very natural to use the passive voice. However in writing, some examples of passive voice can come across as indirect or wishy-washy. "The son was being looked for by his mother." would be an example where passive voice is more indirect (and also wordier) than the alternative.

As Snailboat points out in the comments there are also many examples where using the passive voice is good writing. "The room was being cleaned when I arrived" is probably a good use of passive voice because you don't necessarily want to say who was cleaning it, or if you did you might get a clumsy sentence like, "the cleaner was cleaning the room."