Learn English – How soon is “soon”


Phone conversation:

A: How are you? Everything's okay?

B: Yeah.

A: I've called you a few times, but you haven't picked up or called back.

B: No, I've been busy.

A: Really? Okay. But do you think I could come by soon? Or are you too busy?

Question: When reading the dialogue, could soon mean anything from later that day to several days later or longer? If the intention is the latter, would you keep soon? Or could I use sometime soon to make it more clear?

Best Answer

“Soon” has no specific timeframe, just like “short” has no specific length. At most, you might guess what it means from context, but often you can’t.

For instance, if a mechanic says he’ll repair your car “soon”, he might mean today, or he might mean next week. Either meaning could be “soon” to him depending on how long the repair will take and how many other cars he has to work on.

If the customer wants a deadline, they will respond “How soon?” Or if they have a deadline in mind, they might ask “Will it be done by Friday?”

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