Learn English – How sound does it make when a tree falls


I was going through a footpath there was a tree, suddenly that began falling but it waited for a moment , then it started falling, yet again it waited for a moment, then it started falling, like this it was constant for some moments. Finally the tree fell completely .

How was there the sound of falling the tree?

That tree all fell, waiting but if a tree falls without waiting, what would you call that sound too?

Best Answer

It seems like the tree would have made a number of different sounds as it fell.

When wood bends, it tends to "creak" and "groan."

When it bends too much, it "snaps" and "cracks."

Depending on how large the tree was, how fast it was falling, and what the ground was covered with, when it finally hit the ground, it may have landed with a "thud," a "bang," a "crash," a "boom."