Learn English – How to answer a negative question


Take the question:

Did you not go to the store?

If I did not go to the store, should I then say yes? Or no?

If I did go to the the store, would my answer then have to be yes or no?

For me I would think that if I did you go to the store, then the answer to the question would be 'yes'.

Best Answer


If you are asked

Did you go to the store?

"Yes" means that you did go, and "No" means that you did not go.

If you are asked,

Didn't you go to the store?

the negative form of the question almost invariably implies doubt or criticism or both. Answers of a bare "yes" or bare "no" do not address that implication. The answer would normally emphasize the mere substance of the reponse with

Yes, I did


No, I didn't.

If no clarification is added, the usage of "yes" and "no" is the same as though the question were asked in the positive. To avoid potential social misunderstanding, however, ask questions in the positive and answer negative questions with a clarifying "I did" or "I didn't."

ADDITIONAL EDIT: In a comment below, reference is made to a response to a similar question. In that response, the point is made that rhetorical questions are frequently made in negative form.

Haven't I asked her a thousand times not to bang the door?

is not attempting to elcit information, but to elicit agreement and confirmation. Anything other than an emphatic answer is likely to be ill received.

To summarize, questions in negative form usually have a social dimension that is usually addressed by answering with extra emphasis.