Learn English – How to answer to “after you”


What is the polite way to show your appreciation when someone waits for you to enter an entrance before they do?They usually say "after you"? What I am supposed to answer?

Best Answer

You basically have two choices

Thank you
Thank you that's very kind

and continue walking in, or saying

No, please, after you
Please, no, after you

stopping before entering, extending your arm to hold the door open, and then holding the door while the person previously holding the door for you passes through.

Protocol dictates that if a person has been holding the door, say for a large party to go through, you would relieve that person of such duty, if you are suitably able, when it becomes your turn to pass. The other person may or may not be travelling in the same direction as you are.

Protocol also dictates that the least burdened holds the door, with the exception of
Chivalrous custom which dictates Ladies First except when going through revolving doors