Learn English – How to ask somebody what position they are working as


Sometimes when talking to a person newly met in a office, we need to ask them which position they are working in. How to ask that ?

I have the following lines in my head, but not sure if they will sound normal, or are even correct.

  • Hi. What post have you got ?
  • Hi. What is your job here ?
  • Hi. Which position are you in?

Please help me.

Best Answer

It might be easier to start by asking where they work within the company; that is, ask a question that goes something along these lines:

Which branch do you work for?
What section do you work in?
Which department head do you work for?

One or two of those quesitons might give you the answer that you seek; the person might say:

I work in finance as a programmer in the payroll department.

If not, though – if the person just says something like, "I work in finance" – you can always ask a
follow-on question:

And what's your role there?
And what do you do in that department?