Learn English – How to ask someone to move from their seat


For example, if there was a sofa in the room, and there were 3 people sitting on it, and there was a little space between their seat. How do you ask them to "move" or to "come close" to each other so that I can fit in, and have a seat with them?

Note: It's that one word that I'm looking for here that I used to know that you can use in this particular situation, but unfortunately, I'm non-native English speaker, that's why sometimes, I forget some words; It is used when you want to ask your seatmate to move to that empty space, or something like that.

Thanks for the answer.

Best Answer

It looks like you wanted scoot over.

  1. scoot
    2 : to slide especially while seated <scoot over and let me sit down>
  2. scoot over
    Move to the side, especially to make room. For example, If you scoot over a little I'll have room to sit down.