Learn English – How to blame bad luck


What is the fixed expression which can be said by an unlucky person to show their disappointment after a bad outcome / happening in English?

In Russian people have the slang: "ёлки-палки" which is a curse that is normally used when one wishes to express their vexation.
I know there are dozens of ways to show you don't like something that is going on like: "Oh my god / gosh / goodness / lord" or simply in a ruder way: "damn", "shit" or "fuck"!
But But I am looking for an informal, (not rude) expression which blames the bad luck of the person!

I found the expressions:

Some luck!
What luck!
Tough luck!
Bad luck!
Rotten luck!

in some translation pages, but either I cannot find a reliable source to make sure if they mean what I need or I don't find them similar to my needed expression.

Like Longman says:

Tough Luck
(British English) -> used when you feel sympathy about something bad that has happened to someone:

  • You didn’t get the job? Oh, tough luck!

I am wondering whether there is an expression you could suggest?

Best Answer

The person who didn't get the job might say:

That's just my luck.

An observer might say:

Sorry; that's so unlucky.

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