Learn English – How to change a sentence from passive to active voice


I have the following sentence in the passive voice, and I wonder how I can reformulate it to the same sentence in the active voice.
The sentence is:

We can see those times jurors were first appointed by the state.

Best Answer

Sentences can't be passive or active. Clauses can.

When you just have one clause in a sentence, the distinction isn't really important, but in this case we have both a main clause and a subordinate clause, and we'll have to consider each of them separately.

We can see those times jurors were first appointed by the state.

In this sentence, the main clause is active already. If we wanted to make it passive, we'd have to swap things around and add a passive auxiliary:

Those times jurors were first appointed by the state can be seen by us.

So we can see that the main clause in your original sentence isn't passive. But the original sentence also contains a subordinate clause, and this clause is passive:

jurors were first appointed by the state

How do we know this clause is passive? Because we have the passive auxiliary be with the main verb as a past participle, because the actor (the state) is the complement of by rather than the subject, and because the theme (jurors) is the subject rather than than the object.

We can rewrite this as an active clause by undoing those three things:

  1. Remove the passive auxiliary be.
  2. Move the state out of the by-phrase, back into subject position.
  3. Move jurors out of subject position, back into object position.

We end up with the following:

the state first appointed jurors

We can put this back in the original sentence:

We can see those times the state first appointed jurors.

Now the main clause and subordinate clause are both active.