Learn English – How to change a sentence with two objects into passive voice


(1) He gave her some money.

Its passive voice is:

  • (2) She was given some money.
  • (3) Some money was given her.

(4) He gave some money to her.

Its passive voice is :

  • (5) She was given some money to.
  • (6) Some money was given to her.

Which sentence above is correct? How to change a sentence with two objects into passive voice?

Best Answer

Number (2) is fine, correct and natural.

Number (3) should say, 'Some money was given to her.'

Number (5) is close, but the 'to' should be replaced with 'by him': 'She was given some money by him.' However, you could omit both so it's exactly the same as Number (2).

Number (6) is fine, correct and natural.

As for the best way to get this into the passive voice, I would say 'She was given some money by him' is your best option.

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