Learn English – How to choose between “-se” and “-ce” for the spelling of the word ending pronounced /s/


How can I choose between "-se" and "-ce" for the spelling
of the word ending pronounced /s/. For example, both "sense" and "science" have the ending pronounced /s/.

Best Answer

There's not very many patterns that would help in most cases. Small patterns exist but you are better off simply memorizing the spelling of common -ce and -se words.

For example - the c in -ace or -ice at the end of words is almost always pronounced /s/, whereas the s in -ase or -ise would be usually pronounced /z/. So use -ce in that situation.

There are far fewer words that end in -ense than -ence, and likewise less that end in -se with s pronounced /s/, rather than -ce. So if you have to hazard a guess, go with -ce.