Learn English – How to correctly use “important to” and “important for”


In the dictionary,

When you mean that you care about something a lot, say that it is
important to you, not that it is ‘important for’ you.

Ex: It is important for me to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Is it equivalent to "For me, to follow the manufacturer's instructions is important"?

Ok, "It" seems a dummy subject, can we say like this:

Ex: "style is important for me to choose clothes"

Does the structure "something is important for somebody to do something" sound wrong?

It seems that if we use "important to somebody", we have to use "that"

Ex: It's very important to me that you should be there.

Can we say "It's very important to him to be on time."?

But we can say "Fruits are very important to me."?

Can we say "Fruits are very important for me."?

So, How to correctly use "important to" and "important for"?

Best Answer

If something is very important to somebody, it means that that person feels themselves that it is important, contrary (or fittingly) to what other people thing.

Schoolwork is very important to Bob, as he wants to become a doctor.

Saying something is important for somebody or something means that the thing is important in order for something to be completed, so

Schoolwork is very important for Bob to become a doctor.

Saying Something is important for somebody to do something makes perfect sense, "Doing homework is important for Bob to become a doctor"

You used the word that correctly, although it isn't always required, It makes sense to say "It's important to me for you to be here", or you could say "It's important to be that you are here"