Learn English – How to differentiate between the meaning in the following words


How can I difference between the meaning in the following words?
– Audience it's noun
– Audible it's adjective
– Audition it's also noun
– Auditory it's also adjective

So, my question is we have two adjectives and nouns of the same free word. What is the difference between them in the meaning and how can I use them?
Thanks for your responding

Best Answer

Look them up in a dictionary. You can guess what a word might mean if you recognize its root and part of speech, but that would just be a guess.

It would be nice if there were some simple rules that you could say, "any word ending with -or means the person doing the thing", like "auditor" = "a person who audits", "creator" = "a person who creates", etc. But English isn't that simple, and I'd guess most other languages aren't either. A "janitor" is not a person who "janits", nor is a "boar" a person who "boes". Etc.

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