Learn English – How to explain that the same answer was given before


A student out of the audience asks something similar to a question a lecturer answered previously in a dialogue with another student. What can the lecturer say in responce in this situation? Of course, I'm asking about idiomatic and colloquial phrases. Should the lecturer give the answer in the present simple or in the present continuous?

The same [that I said before] is referring to your question too.

What I said 5 minutes ago applies to your question too.

I also consider possibility of using verbs 'belong', 'concern', etc. Could you suggest something appropriate for this type of situations?

Best Answer

Use something like:

1: "What I said 5 minutes ago applies to your question too."

2: "What I said five minutes ago answers this question."

3: "I thought I answered that five minutes ago -- can you point me to where I need to clarify?"