Learn English – How to express “I would be glad if someone answer the question” beautiful in English


As title says, I would like to write a sentence(peroration) to pleasure the potential answerer.
Due to I am not English Speaker, I have wrote some sentence but each make me feel strange.

  1. I am not sure what is the proper personal pronouns use in the sentence, for example:

    A. I am very glad if you can give me an answer!

    Here, personal pronouns you make me feel weird/strange (I mean, there is someone would answer my question, I don't know who, so use you here make me feel weird/strange )

    B. I am very glad if someone can give me an answer!

    someone make me feel bad, this word is less respectful in Chinese.

  1. What is the proper emotional adjective? grateful, glad, happy?

    Isn't grateful is too heavy for a stranger who just answer a question ? But glad seems too common …

    And is there any proper Emotional Adjective in this situation?

  1. What sentences native often use to express such sentence?

PS: I can just says Thanks in the end of this question, it is no problem. But my purpose is to fill a question with more respectful , so I think need more words here.

Best Answer

I understand and sympathize with your concern.

First, it is very important for you to understand that in English, unlike in Chinese and many other languages, we do not have different "ranks" or "grades" of personal pronouns. Ours is a very "egalitarian" or "democratic" language where pronouns are concerned! The second person pronoun "You" is neither respectful or disrespectful, and no-one will think of you as impolite if you address him or her as "you" in English.

Here at the English Language Learners site, you do not need to express your thanks before you receive an answer. The people who answer questions here do so because they enjoy it, so you do not need to thank them before you have an answer.

If you ask a question and you do receive a helpful answer, the best way to express your thanks is to click the "Accept Answer" link. This will raise the reputation of the person who helped you, and they will appreciate your response.

In answer to your specific questions:

#1A. See above!

#1B. In English, the word "someone" is not at all disrespectful. If you write: Can someone answer my question?, that will be perfectly polite and sufficient.

#2. "Grateful" is a very good word to use when you are expressing thanks. You could also say "Thankful."

#3. See James K's answer, and my third paragraph above. Your gratitude is welcome and appreciated, but you don't need to express it before you have an answer!

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