Learn English – How to invite a couple when I don’t know husband’s name


On an invitation card…

Mr and Mrs Jack Anderson

works very well. It includes both Mr. Jack Anderson and his wife.

The beauty of this style is, I need not know Jack's wife's name. Here, Jack is my friend and I know him.

Personally, I'm quite terrible at names. So, what if I know Julie Watson but don't remember her husband's name? I don't want to sound ignorant and ask Julie about her husband's name (it's embarrassing too!).

I'm now stuck. While writing Mr & Mrs Jack Anderson includes his wife, is there such a way that I can write Julie's name and her husband is included automatically?

What are the possible ways to address Julie and include her husband's name as well?

Mrs & Mr Julie Watson

(Julie's second name after marriage is Watson; it's not her maiden surname. Also, I'm inviting her husband just because he's her husband. He's not a friend of mine! Kinda formality.)


Please mind that I don't want to include all the members (i.e. her in-laws). Or else 'Watsons'' would have worked.

Answers from all cultures are welcomed.

Best Answer

If Julie's children are also invited, you could use Julie Watson and family – In the U.S., at least, that's usually interpreted as "immediately family," i.e., spouse and children.

If it's only the couple you want to invite, you could go with "Mr. and Mrs. Julie Watson." The traditionalists might bristle at that one, but those who are fed up with traditional (and some would say sexist) roles might appreciate your progressive solution.

Note: I looked through a four-page guide on this, and couldn't find my suggested answer there, but I was a little surprised at that.

If you don't feel comfortable going “outside the box,” you have one solution left: Next time you see Julie, ask her what her husband's name is. That goes along with the advice found at this website:

What if I don’t know the person’s name?
Whenever possible, take the time to find out the recipient’s name.

If you're embarrassed that you've forgotten her husband's name, you could maybe tell her that you're just checking the spellings of everyone's names.