Learn English – How to know/ How am I to know


Is there any difference between these two questions? Is the second one grammatically right?

How do I know?


How am I to know?

Best Answer

Dan Bron's opening comment is correct, but I'd like to explain a bit more about why that's the case.

Basically, it comes down to tense and modality, or conditionality. Using "to be" (or in this case, "am") with an infinitive like "to know" is one of the future tenses English uses*, and it's a tense that expresses intention and plan. So you could rephrase "How am I to know?" as "What plan would you expect me to use to know this?"

Since that's a fairly common sort of thing to say, but "How am I to …" is a fairly formal pattern, it's not surprising that "How do I …?" has been adapted to that use as well informally. Formally, though, "do" is not conditional at all here. It's just asking for a explanation that matches current reality. So you could rephrase it as "Right here, right now, how is it that I know this?"

Obviously, both sentences (and both verbs) are very flexible, so there's a lot of variations possible, and a lot of different subtle implications depending on context. But that's the basic breakdown.

*To the extent that English has future tense, at least, which is the subject of some scholarly debate. Close enough, though.

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