Learn English – How to like this plain shirt


I think in spite of many other similar question like:

  • What / how about this plain shirt?
  • What do you think about this plain shirt?
    and so on.

the sentence: "How do you like this plain shirt?" implies that the question maker has a semi-positive opinion about the shirt in his / her question, but they doubt about it and need to know about the second person' opinion.
Do you confirm it?

Best Answer

I have to disagree. Grammatically, the sentence is doing no more and no less than asking to what extent the other person likes the shirt.

Compare: How do you like your boss?

This does not imply any favor or disfavor on the part of the person asking.

That said, practically speaking, when you ask someone about a shirt, you are typically considering buying/wearing it, and thus typically have at least a semi-positive opinion of it. But that's true of all your example sentences.

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