Learn English – How to mimic sound of a trumpet in English


How to mimic trumpet sound in English?

I expect something like:




Is it correct?

Best Answer

In The Pirates of Penzance W.S. Gilbert certainly thought there was an onomatopoeic description of a trumpet:

There is nothing brings it round
Like the trumpet’s martial sound,
Like the trumpet’s martial sound

Sergeant & Police.
Tarantara! tarantara!
Tarantara! tarantara!
Tarantara! tarantara!
Tarantara! tarantara!
Tarantara! tarantara!
Tarantara! tarantara!
Tarantara, ra, ra,
Tarantara! Ra, ra, ra, ra,
Ra, ra, ra, ra,
Ra, ra, ra, ra,
Ra, ra, ra, ra,
Ra, ra, ra, ra,
Tarantara, ra, ra,

Your mileage may vary, and this is only one man's usage (though an important one). I think it's safe to say that in this case you're entitled to use whatever sounds right to you.