Learn English – How to parse this sentence with “not only……but also”? I wonder whether it is a fixed sentence pattern


When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also
you can learn how to use these English words.

I thought the sentence should be :

"When you read, not only you can learn some new words, but also you
can learn how to use these English words.


When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also
learn how to use these English words.

What do "only" and "also" modify?

Best Answer

The first suggested alternative is not grammatically correct. The possible orderings of "you can not only" are:

  • "you can not only"
  • "not only can you"

Also, there are not strict limitations on how much of the second clause you may/must repeat. The following are all grammatical:

"you can not only verb object A, but also you can verb object B"
"you can not only verb object A, but also verb object B"
"you can not only verb object A, but also object B"

All these sentences would be correct with either "not only can you" or "you can not only".

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