Learn English – How to preferably use “broad” or “wide”


Just after reading an unanswered (though pretty interesting) question in French Language, I thought that the reason it didn't get answers was that it actually asked several questions at once.

Then I formulated automatically this reflection in my head:

It's too broad

But immediately after I wondered if I shouldn't rather say:

It's too wide

Hence my question: as dictionaries seem to globally propose the same sense for both words, are there some contexts where one should be preferred to the other?

Time to write the above, I thought I identified the begin of a difference: "wide" would apply to somewthing concrete (such as a place, an object, a point of view… anything measurable), while "broad" woud rather be used for more abstract things (for example a domain of knowledge).

Note: I could find a related question, but it (and its answer too) is strictly focused on a specific context.

My own question is more [broad | wide] 🙂

Best Answer

Seems like you are content with your answer, but 'broad' is better in this context.

When you are talking about abstract nouns, i.e. nouns that aren't LITERALLY broad/wide in terms of measurable distance, the vast majority believe that it sounds better to say 'broad'.

'As you can see, there is a wide gap between my thumb and my forefinger'

In the above example, a 'gap' is a distance I can measure with a ruler, so I use 'wide'. In the example below, 'knowledge' is not something to which I can assign an absolute value, so I use 'broad'.

'He does not merely specialise in one subject. In fact, the extent of my son's knowledge is more broad than that of my old school teachers.'

However, if you want to say 'lots of things', which is an abstract (non-measurable) concept, then you would say 'a wide range [of things]' rather than 'a broad range [of things]'. That's basically the only exception though.

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