Learn English – How to pronounce a Qur’an citation


How do you pronounce a Qur'an citation like:

Qur’an 4:15–16

Would you say: Qur'an Chapter 4 Verses 15 and 16?

Best Answer

You can say

Quran Chapter 4, Aayahs 15-16


Quran Surah An-Nisa, Aayah 15-16


One of the above and then recite the two Aayahs.

Additions: OP asked about the following too:

Surah An-Nisa is the fourth Surah in Quran.

Aayah is the smallest unit in Quran. It can be a two or more letters, a word, a phrase, a sentence, or many sentences. There is not any term in grammar or linguistics which match to an aayah. This concept is unique to Quran.

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