Learn English – How to pronounce names


How can I figure out how to pronounce a name? Are there any dictionaries for names which tell us how words are articulated? Are there rules to follow to figure it out?

For example, I need to know how the following are pronounced:




Best Answer

It looks like you shortened your list, so I'll take a stab at it, though I don't know IPA or any official way to communicate it except through rhyming words. You should be able to find a website with pronunciations of the individual words to get a feel.

"Fitch" would rhyme with "itch", "Stockton" would be pronounced something like the two words "Stock" and "ton" run together ("Stock-ton"), or perhaps "Stock" and "done" ("Stock-dun"), with the emphasis on the first syllable. The ending of "Fishbein" would rhyme with the ending of "Einstein" with the long "i" sound ("eye"): "Fish-bine". (It's much less likely, but it's possible that the "ei" in "Fishbein" would be pronounced as "ee" as in "spleen", but that's not what I'd guess first.)

EDIT: removed an added question about context, which was answered while I typed, in a comment.

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