Learn English – How to refer to a third item in a list


I say 'a third item' because I mean that there are three instead of a common two.

For example, you could say

The two best 3d printers are xxxx and xxxx.

and the first item could be referred to as the former, and the second the latter.

But what if there were three items?

The three best 3d printers are xxxx, xxxx and xxxx.

Would the first be the former and the last the latter, or would the second still be the latter and the third something different? Or, would you just leave the whole former-latter matter behind and just use first, second and third? Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

The former and latter applies only to first and last things. No matter how many things are in between. Note that using 'former' and 'latter' is commonest when you describe two things. And thus, to avoid ambiguity, it's better to leave them off as they are.

Read 'latter's' definition here on OALD

being the second of two things, people or groups that have just been mentioned, or the last in a list

If you want to refer to those three printers, better mention their names.

The three best 3D printers are HP, Google, and Canon. While HP seems to be costly, Canon is cheaper. Google, I'm not sure about!

A typical use of former and latter would be-

The two best 3D printers are HP and Canon. While the former is costly, the latter is cheaper.

The 'latter' would imply to the last one irrespective of how many things you have.

The three best 3D printers are HP, Google, and Canon. The latter one is the cheapest (Canon)

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