Learn English – How to refer to link? (open, see, check etc.)


If I want to refer to link (on internet, computed documents etc.), for example, when I want to send someone to read something that the link in the PDF that I gave him, links to it. Then what is the correct way or the most common way to refer to it?

My options now are: open the link, check the link, see the link. Maybe you have different alternatives, but anyway I would like to know the common one/s.

N.b. in my native language we say "enter the link".

Best Answer

You can say:

Have a look at this link:

Take a look at this link:

Check out this link:

I do not recommend simply saying "Check this link.". I sometimes read this written by a non-native speaker in a forum response. It sounds like you want someone to check the link for something -- maybe you want them to check it to see whether it works, or to check it to look for something. If you say "check out this link", it's a way to tell someone to generally look at it, and it sounds casual, so it doesn't sound rude in the way that "look at this link" may sound if you don't know someone very well.

Also, you can refer to the link without telling your friend to look at it:

Here's a link for an example: BLABLABLABLABLALINKLINKLINK

You can also embed the link.

This link is an example of that.