Learn English – How to refer to things, living things


I have some troubles in understanding what pronoun to use when referring to things be they inanimate things, living things, wild, tamed animals or pets, for I saw either use.

When referring to a lion, for example, shall I use he or it, she, her or it, its?

Even in case of a ship or a space ship I came across with expression like this: her crew.

Would you please explain if there is a strict rule or depends on the author’s choice?

Best Answer

In English, vessels, like boats, cars and aircraft, are often referred to in the feminine.

The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank on her maiden voyage.

But the neutral is also fine:

The Titanic split in two when it sank.

Animals vary by context. Domestic pets are always gender specific forms.

My dog barks when he sees the cat in the window.

Non-domestic animals use a gender specific form if you know it:

We saw the lion at the zoo; he had such a majestic mane.

But if you're not sure, or it doesn't matter, use the neutral:

The lioness caught the Gazelle and she took it (referring to the Gazelle) back to the pride.