Learn English – How to respond when someone says ‘It means a lot’


In a scenario where you have encouraged someone but haven't helped them physically or with your time and they say "It means a lot". Just for the words you said. Can you respond with

  • Any time?
  • No problem?
  • You are welcome?

I am not a native speaker. I've seen these phrases used after you have done someone a favor.

Context: Someone showed good performance in sports after struggling to perform in multiple matches. You said:

Person 1: Congratulations for your great performance. I am happy for you!
Person 2: It means a lot!
Person 1: ???

Best Answer

All are generally acceptable for a response. I find that my response changes based on how well I know the person or not.

If I am fairly familiar with them (close friend or good friend) I may say:

Hey no worries!

or used in rare occasions that you want to acknowledge and show you are happy that your words meant a lot to them:

I'm glad!

If someone says it that I am not so familiar I tend to respond:

You're welcome!

English is weird where there are many ways to say the same thing. Many responses are appropriate for the same thing. I would just say what you feel is a natural response.

I prefer "no worries", others may say "no problem". Pretty much the same meaning or implied meaning using a different word.

In the above example you provided, their response of "that means a lot" can be interpreted as saying:

Hey, I am glad you acknowledged my hard work and dedication to improving so it means a lot, thanks!

So I would word your response as if you are responding to that :) In the end as I said, there are many ways to respond and all the above are equally appropriate. Find one that feels natural to you and go with it!

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