Learn English – How to say ask formally


Is there a formal alternative for the word ask?

For example, "I would like to ask about the function below".

Is there any way to say it formally?

I do not mean request. I am not requesting the functionality. I am just asking, discussing, talking about the function. As far as I know, request is more like to look to get and obtain.

Thank you very much for your answer!

Best Answer

I can't think of any situation in which "I would like to ask about the function below" would be considered too informal; so it should be fine as it stands.

'Ask' should be considered neutral rather than being formal or informal in-and-of-itself; it is what you combine it with that determines how formal the sentence is as a whole.

However, if you want an alternative which does carry a connotation of formality, you can substitute 'inquire', as in:

"I would like to inquire about the function below".

'Enquire' is an alternative spelling of the same word which might come across slightly differently, depending on the audience; if you're unsure, 'inquire' is likely the safe bet.