Learn English – How to say something past/back in future


I want to say something about future. But then, since that something does not exist, I want to refer it to the past! How do I say that?

10 amazing futuristic things I wish were real or
10 amazing futuristic things I wish will be real

For example, I'm creating a hypothetical situation of having some unbelievable features in a smart gadget of future. Say -using a smartphone, you can disappear! Using a smartphone, you can actually shoot at someone. Using a smartphone, you can even fly!

How do I say that then?

Three futuristic smartphone features I wish will be real OR
Three futuristic smartphone features I wish were real OR
Three futuristic smartphone features I wish will have been real

Best Answer

"Were" is used here in the subjunctive mood, referring to an event that is not likely or is untrue; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjunctive_mood.

futuristic things I wish were real is acceptable, meaning they don't currently exist but you wish they did exist now.

futuristic things I hope will be real is how I would phrase the second, though wish might be acceptable, too. It implies a hope for the future.

So my vote is for "Three futuristic smartphone features I wish were real," if by that you mean you want those features now, but they don't exist.

If you plan on making that phone, though, then it will have those features.

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