Learn English – How to say that a word is not used with its literal meaning


I have found the following definition for the verb to steam:

to steam = to move or proceed with energy or force

in the context:

We steamed south. From the sea we could see the extent of the development on Coconut Island.

As far as I understand, it is not used with its literal meaning.

Question: What adjective defines that a word is used not in a literal, indierect meaning?

Best Answer

The answer to your direct question is figurative.

Additionally, I'd like to address your understanding of steam in the sentence that you provided. Its literal meaning is actually being applied in that sentence; it's just a different meaning than the one you found. The meaning of steam in that sentence is "verb 3. (of a ship or train) travel somewhere under steam power." So the sentence "We steamed south" has the meaning, "We traveled south on a steam-powered ship."

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