Learn English – How to say that I want something to end soon using “I would like” and “I hope” and maybe Future Perfect


I'm wondering now how to say that I want this pandemic (or anything else) to end soon.

Is this sentence correct?

Using I hope:

  1. I hope this pandemic will have ended by June.

is this tense Future Perfect correct to use? and is here any difference between by June and in June? or maybe I should say

  1. I hope this pandemic will have been ended by June

Using I would like:

  1. I would like this pandemic to end by July

or maybe in this would like construction should I use Future Perfect too, like:

  1. I would like this pandemic will have ended by July

because I want this action to be completed by July?

I'm not sure if you can understand what I mean but anything you write about this, will be helpful for me for sure.

Best Answer

I think that the best way to express what you are trying to say is, "I hope that this pandemic will end by July" or "I would like this pandemic to end by July". Both sentences express the idea that you are hoping that when we get to the month of July, the pandemic will be over. You could be even shorter: "I hope this is over by July!"

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