Learn English – How to say that some amount of money equals the demanded amount


My question relates to this: How to say "pay exact amount of money"

Now my question is from the payers point of view, not the payee.

During my latest trip I literally said to the the bartender "It's exact". I was referring to the amount of money I gave him, which equaled the amount of money the bartender asked me to pay for the drinks. My girlfriend laughed with me for my supposedly broken English.

Was the phrase "It's exact" correct in this situation?

Best Answer

Unless it was trivially obvious that the money was exactly the amount demanded (for example if you handed over a single coin of the right denomination), it might be polite/cautious to precede your words with "I think" or "I hope".

In British English the common phrase would be something like "I think that's the right money".

"It's exact" has slightly pedantic sound to my ears.