Learn English – How to say that something is worthy


In this sentence:

We design to create a world in human dignity and as possible

I want to say that we design to make a world that is worthy for humans to live in, as possible as it is.

"As possible as it is" means: Our abilities are limited. So we may can't do something ideally, but it is still worthy because we have used all of the current possibilities. I want to say that's not about quality to use "good" instead.

I have used translators. Is it true to say this that way?
Does it mean anything, after all?
What the better sentence ?

How about this one ?

We design to create a world that is worthy for human to live in, and
as much as possible.

Best Answer

To me, "as possible as it is" is unnecessary. It's already implied. Also, "create a world" sounds more like we're designing a new game, where we can create as many alternate worlds as we want to. The phrase "make the world a better place" is more idiomatic.

So, I would like to offer this:

We design to make the world worth living in.
We design to make our world worth living in.

If you want to emphasize that what you can do is limited, you might say:

We design to make the world as worth living in as possible.
We design to make the world worth living in, and as much as possible.

But that sounds a little wordy, and a little clumsy.

If you want to emphasize that you will do everything that you can do, you can also say:

We design to make the world worth living in, every way we can.

But that might not be what you really wanted to say.