Learn English – How to say the one before a last one of a last one of a last one


Say I used to live in City A and moved to B now. City A is the last city I lived in.

But if I lived in City A, then moved to City B, then to City C, then finally to City D. What should I call City A for?

Best Answer

I suppose you could say:

It's the city I lived in three cities ago.

It's a bit clumsy, but I can't think of a better alternative. It's also informal.

Most of the time we wouldn't express this concept directly, instead saying something like:

That's where I lived six years ago. I've moved a few times since then.

If I wanted to be specific, I might say something like:

I've moved three times since I lived in City A.

Of course, you can come up with variations on these themes.